
longRange Extended-Release Injectable Parasiticide

Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $240.00.

LongRange Extended-Release Injectable Parasiticide Online from us at very competitive prices. We are 100% legit and efficient supplier of performance supplements for equine sports. We offer the best market prices and offer a huge discount for bulk buyers. Packaging and shipping are very dis

LongRange Extended-Release Injectable Parasiticide Online from us at very competitive prices. We are 100% legit and efficient supplier of performance supplements for equine sports. We offer the best market prices and offer a huge discount for bulk buyers. Packaging and shipping are very discreet and bypass all custom or law enforcement. Delivery through regular and express airmail within 2-3 business days from dispatch.

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LONGRANGE 5% Sterile Solution Online

This treatment applies to the following species:

  • Beef Cattle
  • Dairy Cattle


Extended-Release Injectable Parasiticide

5% Sterile Solution

For the Treatment and Control of Internal and External Parasites of Cattle on Pasture with Persistent Effectiveness

Not for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Not for use in calves to be processed for veal.

Not for use in breeding bulls, or in calves less than 3 months of age.

Not for use in cattle managed in feedlots or under intensive rotational grazing.

What is LongRange Extended-Release Injectable Parasiticide

LONGRANGE® (eprinomectin) is a ready-to-use, sterile injectable preparation containing eprinomectin, a member of the macrocyclic lactone class of antiparasitics. Each mL of LONGRANGE contains 50 mg of eprinomectin in a co-solvent system of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (30% v/v) and triacetin (qs), along with 50 mg of poly-lactide-co-glycolic-acid 75:25 (PLGA), a polymer that allows a slow release of eprinomectin from the formulation, thereby maintaining a prolonged duration of product effectiveness. Butylated hydroxytoluene (0.2 mg/mL) acts as an antioxidant in the formulation.

LONGRANGE Indications For Use

BUY LONGRANGE, when administered at the recommended dose volume of 1 mL per 110 lb (50 kg) body weight, is effective in the treatment and control of the following internal and external parasites of cattle:

Gastrointestinal RoundwormsLungworms
Bunostomum phlebotomum – Adults and L4Dictyocaulus viviparus – Adults
Cooperia oncophora – Adults and L4
Cooperia punctata – Adults and L4
Cooperia surnabada – Adults and L4Grubs
Haemonchus placei – AdultsHypoderma bovis
Oesophagostomum radiatum – Adults
Ostertagia lyrata – AdultsMites
Ostertagia ostertagi – Adults, L4, and inhibited L4Sarcoptes scabiei var. bovis
Trichostrongylus axei – Adults and L4
Trichostrongylus colubriformis – Adults

Persistent Activity

LONGRANGE has been proven to effectively protect cattle from reinfection with the following parasites for the indicated amounts of time following treatment:

BUY LONGRANGE is to be given subcutaneously only. Animals should be appropriately restrained to achieve the proper route of administration. Inject under the loose skin in front of the shoulder (see illustration) using a 16 or 18 gauge, 1/2 to 3/4 inch needle.

LongRangeSanitize the injection site by applying a suitable disinfectant. Clean, properly disinfected needles should be used to reduce the potential for injection site infections.

50 mL bottle size: Use only polypropylene syringes. Not for use with polycarbonate syringe material. If syringe material is not known, contact the syringe manufacturer prior to use for identification. Alternatively, a 50-mL polypropylene repeater syringe compatible with LONGRANGE may be used. To obtain a list of compatible equipment, contact Menial at 1-888-637-4251. Do not use beyond 3 months after stopper has been punctured. Discard bottle after 15 stopper punctures. LONGRANGE should not be stored in the repeater syringe.

250 mL and 500 mL bottle sizes: Use only automatic syringe equipment provided by Merial. To obtain compatible equipment, contact Merial at 1-888-637-4251 or your veterinarian. LONGRANGE should not be stored in automatic syringe equipment. Automatic syringe equipment should be thoroughly cleaned after each use. Discard bottle after one stopper puncture with draw-off spike.

. To obtain a list of compatible equipment, contact Menial at 1-888-637-4251. When using a repeater syringe, do not use beyond 3 months after stopper has been punctured. Discard bottle after 15 punctures. LONGRANGE should not be stored in the repeater syringe.

No special handling or protective clothing is necessary.


100 ml, 250 mL, 500 mL


1 Vials, 3 Vials, 5 Vials, 10 Vials, 25 Vials


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