

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $40.00.

linco-spectin of the suspension contains 50 mg of lincomycin hydrochloride, 100 mg of spectinomycin sulfate and the excipient. Application

linco-spectin of the suspension contains 50 mg of lincomycin hydrochloride, 100 mg of spectinomycin sulfate and the excipient. Application Linko-Spectin injection is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously for the treatment of infections caused by bacteria susceptible to lincomycin and spectinomycin, spirochaetes, linco-spectin mycoplasmas, anaerobic bacteria  mycoplasmosis, dysentery, infectious enteritis, infectious arthritis, swine infection, and the number of infected people. respiratory tract, foot rot, influenza, sinusitis, staphylococcus) in pigs, dogs, cats, cattle, sheep and goats, poultry. Dosage: – Pigs: 1 ml of the drug per 10 kg. m. intramuscularly. linco-spectin If necessary, repeat the injection every 24 hours for 3-7 days. – Bird: 0.5 ml of the drug per 2.5 kg. m subcutaneously once a day for 3 days. – Cattle: 1 ml of the drug per 10 kg. m. intramuscularly 2 times a day. If necessary, repeat every 24 hours for 2-4 days, 1 injection of the drug. – Sheep and goats: 1 ml of the drug per 10 kg. m (15 mg / kg) intramuscularly once a day for 3 days. – Dogs and cats: 1 ml of the drug per 5 kg. m. intramuscularly. If necessary, repeat the injection every 12-24 hours for 21 days. Packaging: 100 ml vial Product delivery unit: 1 100 ml vial Manufacturer


Symptoms of
Combining the active ingredients in Lincomycin and Spectinomycin has a synergistic effect, making Linc-ospectin 20% suitable for treatment of airway problems  Mycoplasma Spp
Symptoms of Mycoplasma infections include: reduced performance, dirty cere and eye rims, erect feathers near the ears, wet eyes and breathing with open beak.

linco-spectin 20% is also used in Adeno-coli Syndrome cases for the purpose of fighting the Coli infections as well as diarrhoea.


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