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Silcort exerts an inhibitory influence on mechanisms and tissue modifications associated with inflammation. It decreases vascular permeability and exudation and the migration of inflammatory cells is markedly inhibited

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Silcort exerts an inhibitory influence on mechanisms and tissue modifications associated with inflammation. It decreases vascular permeability and exudation and the migration of inflammatory cells is markedly inhibited. In addition, systemic manifestations, such as fever and signs of Toxemia, can be suppressed. In infections characterized by acute toxicity, therapy with Silcort in conjunction with other appropriate antibacterial therapy is effective in reducing morbidity and mortality.

Silcort exerts an inhibitory influence on mechanisms and tissue modifications associated with inflammation. It decreases vascular permeability and exudation and the migration of inflammatory cells is markedly inhibited. In addition, systemic manifestations, such as fever and signs of Toxemia, can be suppressed. In infections characterized by acute toxicity, therapy with Silcort in conjunction with other appropriate antibacterial therapy is effective in reducing morbidity and mortality.

Silcort – Vansil Product Indications Silcort: Silcort is indicated for a number of clinical situations of farm animals. Bovine Ketosis: Due to its glycogenic activity and glycogen deposition, Silcort is effective and valuable in the treatment of endocrine and metabolic imbalance of Primary Bovine Ketosis. The stress determined by calving and the high milk production predispose the dairy cow to this condition. This adrenal steroid has an immediate physiological effect, with glycemic levels returning to normal or above within 8 to 24 hours after administration. There is a drop in circulating eosinophils, followed by a reduction in ketones in the blood and urine. Generally, the cow’s activity is improved, appetite returns, milk production returns to the previous values ​​within 3 to 5 days. In Secondary Bovine Ketosis, When the condition is complicated by Pneumonia, Mastitis, Endometritis, Traumatic Gastritis, Silcort should be used correctly with local and antibacterial therapy, appropriate infusion solutions and other treatments indicated for the primary conditions. Musculoskeletal Conditions: Like other Adreno-steroids, this preparation is useful for relieving pain and the effects associated with localized, acute and widespread arthritic conditions in large animals.

Silcort is successfully used for the treatment of Laminitis, Rheumatic and Traumatic Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Periostitis, Tendinitis, Tendossinovitis, Bursitis and Myositis. Generalized muscle pain, stiffness, depression, and anorexia resulting from overwork respond immediately. Remission of symptoms may be permanent, or symptoms may return, depending on the cause and extent of structural degeneration. Allergic Reactions: Silcort is especially beneficial in the treatment of acute hypersensitivity reactions resulting from treatment with sensitizing drugs or exposure to other allergenic agents, urticaria and anaphylactic reactions. Less severe allergic manifestations such as atopic contact dermatitis, summer eczema and conjunctivitis may also be treated. Response is usually rapid and complete, although in severe cases with extensive lesions, prolonged adrenocorticoid therapies and other appropriate treatment may be indicated. Severe infections with severe toxicity:

In animals dying due to serious infections for which specific antibacterial therapy is appropriate (such as severe pneumonia, peritonitis, endometritis and septic mastitis), Intensive Silcort therapy can assist in the correction of circulatory disturbance by neutralizing the responsible inflammatory changes, also allowing the antibacterial agent to exert its full effect. As an adjunctive therapy, this steroid fights stress and improves the general condition of the animal. All procedures necessary to establish a bacterial diagnosis should be performed, whenever possible, prior to the institution of therapy. Silcort therapy in the presence of infection should be administered for a time consistent with maintaining an adequate response and antibacterial therapy should be continued for at least 3 days after the hormone has been withdrawn. Combined antibacterial and hormonal therapy do not dispense w


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