
prednisol 2.5 %

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $45.00.

prednisol 2.5 %  injection is a synthetic glucocorticoid indicated for the symptomatic treatment of inflammation and allergic reactions. prednisol 2.5 % is registered as an injectable solution for horse,camel and dogs .

prednisol 2.5 %  injection is a synthetic glucocorticoid indicated for the symptomatic treatment of inflammation and allergic reactions. prednisol 2.5 % is registered as an injectable solution for horse,camel and dogs .

Active ingredient: prednisolone acetate Target species: Horses, cattle, Sheep, pigs, goats ,Foals, calves , Dogs, cats. The product has an anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic and antiallergic action. Prednisolone 2.5% has no antibiotic: Prednisolone 2.5% is very effective after intra-articular administration in large and small animals, or intramuscularly in small animals.
In case of summer of dry eczema, nonspecific dermatitis or acanthosis nigricans the intense irritation usually subsides within 24-48 hours and the inflammation begins to disappear.

Ketosis (acetonemia) in cattle; urticaria, stress, shock and allergic reactions;
inflammatory joint lesions; (peri-)arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, tendovaginitis, lymphangitis, laminitis, total weakness.

anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic and antiallergic action. Prednisolone 2.5% has no antibiotic: Prednisolone 2.5% is very effective after intra-articular administration in large and small animals, or intramuscularly in small animals.
In case of summer of dry eczema, nonspecific dermatitis or acanthosis nigricans the intense irritation usually subsides within 24-48 hours and the inflammation begins to disappear.

s before slaughter Contra-indication: Do not use for hypersensitive animals to any components PRESERVATION: Store in a cool place and keep out of direct sunlight. The FENYLDEX product must be administered by intramuscular or intravenous routes, every 24 hours with intervals of 3 to 5 days at the discretion of the Veterinarian, using a sterile and disposable syringe and needle. Aseptic procedures must be used in the application. In horses, administer 1 ml of the product for every 45 kg of live weight, which corresponds to 1.1 mg of Flunixin Meglumine, to relieve pain associated with colic/endotoxemia. Precautions and Warnings: Doses greater than 10 ml of the product should be divided into two or more application points. Respect the indications for dose and duration of treatment. Do not apply intra-arterially. Obey the product’s storage instructions. Use sterile syringes and needles, observing good asepsis practices. Apply with caution to animals with gastrointestinal ulceration or pre-existing renal, hepatic or hematological disorders. It is recommended to avoid or apply the drug to pregnant females with maximum precaution and supervision by the Veterinarian. If an allergic reaction occurs, discontinue administration of the product i


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