
dmso 100

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $40.00.

dmso 100 must be diluted in 20% physiological solution before being injected.
The dmso 100 solution diluted to 20% is injected intravenously, intra-articularly, or epidurally.
It should not be administered intramuscularly.
When a diuretic-osmotic effect is required (CNS trauma), the dose will be 0.1 to 1 mL per kpv per day, divided into two applications, always in a 20% dilution.
In less serious conditions, such as bronchitis or pulmonary hemorrhage, generally 20 mL of dmso 100 daily, in one or two doses, in 20% physiological solution are sufficient.
In endotoxemia, they should absorb 0.1 to 0.5 mL o(in 20% dilution) per daily kpv, divided into two doses.
The duration of treatment is suggested between 3 and 5 days, although this and the dosage always depends on the criteria of the veterinarian who treats the equine.


Dimethyl sulfoxide has been discovered infinity of pharmacological properties for veterinary use, among which the anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-ischemic and protective action of vascular endotheliums can be highlighted. The anti-inflammatory action is its main property and it is exerted by different mechanisms. It produces stabilization of the cell membrane in polymorphonuclear cells and mast cells of the connective tissue, with the consequent decrease in the production of prostaglandins and thromboxames responsible for the genesis of the inflammatory focus.
It stimulates the depletion of water in the kidney, favoring the reduction of edema of any origin. In the case of edema of the CNS, dimethylsulfoxide is more effective than furosemide and other diuretics.
Protects vascular endotheliums (due to free radical scavenging), reduces platelet aggregation and thrombus formation.
Dimethyl sulfoxide has vasodilatory properties, therefore it is indicated in cases of intestinal ischemia, such as obstructions or torsion

Intended for sporting equines.
dmso 100 is indicated in all those situations in which edema of any etiology occurs, especially related to the CNS, post-traumatic, skull and spinal cord. Spinal cord compression and dorsolumbar myiaglia of neurological origin. Endotoxemia, laminitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, septic arthritis. Neonatal meningitis, Eastern equine encephalomyelitis, equine protozoan myeloencephalitis.
It is used in exercise-induced bronchitis or pulmonary hemorrhage in horses.


Do not use simultaneously with organophosphates or other cholinesterase inhibitors.
Direct intravenous administration oundiluted) can cause hemolysis and hemoglubinary in the equine.
Always administer slowly and in a 20% solution, to minimize the risk.
in a water bath to return to the liquid state.


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