Arthramid Vet is used to treat non-infectious causes of joint lameness in animals, including both early and late stages of osteoarthritis (OA). Arthramid Vet is a biocompatible, non-absorbable, non-pyrogenic, neuro-innocuous injectable polyacrylamide hydrogel for intra-articular injection in animals.The gel becomes progressively integrated into the synovial lining and its immediate surrounding tissue of the inner joint capsule by a combination of cell migration and vessel
ingrowth forming a thick, cushion-like membrane, over 14 to 28 days, consisting of vessel integrated gel covered by a new and hypercellular’Clinical studies show that tissue integration and subsequent augmentation of the joint capsule takes between 2 and 4 weeks to occur, although a response to treatment can be seen earlier than that in some cases.
Arthrosamid is the 2.5% polyacrylamide hydrogel developed as a long-acting intra-articular injection for the treatment of osteoarthritis in humans. Development of Arthrosamid commenced after the generation of impressive clinical data with Arthramid Vet in the treatment of lameness in horses.
hydrogel for intra-articular injection in animals.The gel becomes progressively integrated into the synovial lining and its immediate surrounding tissue of the inner joint capsule by a combination of cell migration and vessel
ingrowth forming a thick, cushion-like membrane, over 14 to 28 days, consisting of vessel integrated gel covered by a new and hypercellular’Clinical studies show that tissue integration and subsequent augmentation of the joint capsule takes between 2 and 4 weeks to occur, although a response to treatment can be seen earlier than that in some case
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