Flumax 50ml

FLUMAX 50 ml 

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FLUMAX 50 ml 

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $40.00.

FLUMAX 50 ml  is a medication used to treat flu-like symptoms, particularly those associated with upper respiratory infections. It often contains a combination o

FLUMAX 50 ml  is a medication used to treat flu-like symptoms, particularly those associated with upper respiratory infections. It often contains a combination of ingredients that can include an analgesic (for pain relief), an antipyretic (for reducing fever), and sometimes an antihistamine (for symptoms like runny nose or sneezing).

The 50 ml typically refers to the volume of the liquid form of the medication. It’s important to follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare provider or those on the medication packaging. If you have any specific questions about its use or potential side effects, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional.

 recommended to avoid or apply the drug to pregnant females with maximum precaution and supervision by the Veterinarian. If an allergic reaction occurs, discontinue administration of the product immediately. Do not store the product near food, beverages, other medications, personal or household hygiene products. Avoid smoking or eating while handling. Do not wash empty containers or throw them into rivers or springs.  systems. Gastrointestinal damage is the most common and serious side effect. Gastroduodenal erosion and ulceration reflect

prostaglandin E2-mediated inhibition of bicarbonate and mucus secretion, epithelialization, and mucosal blood flow. All NSAIDs are capable of impairing platelet activity related to thromboxane synthesis.  chronically. In the kidney, vasodilating prostaglandins are protective, ensuring arterial and renal vasoconstriction. The loss of this protective effect becomes important in patients with impaired renal function. Patients predisposed to analgesic nephropathy include geriatric patients, patients suffering from heart, kidney or liver disease, patients in hypovolemic stat


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