Arsil – 100ml is a soluble arsenical compound, it is absorbed in organisms through all mucous membranes and membranes, it is stored mainly in liver, kidney and spleen
– This product should not be used 20 days before the slaughter of animals intended for human consumption.
– Keep in the shade and in a cool place for storage.
PRESENTATION: 50 and 100 ml bottles
Arsil – 100ml is a soluble arsenical compound, it is absorbed in organisms through all mucous membranes and membranes, it is stored mainly in liver, kidney and spleen. It is deposited in structures that have sulfur bonds such as keratin in the nails and hair and are slowly excreted in urine. Organic compounds of ARSENIC PENTAVALENTE have long been used as tonics in the treatment of skin diseases. They were the first effective remedies against infections caused by protozoa and are effective growth promoters in birds and pigs, in these have been shown to increase weight gain, so you can not deny the growth promoting effect, nor its effect antimicrobial dysentery and infections with protozoa. THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS – Anemia, weakness, exhaustion, alterations due to inadequate nutrition. – Inrior paralysis and blindness. – In alterations in development. – Enflaquecimiento of young animals, delays and alterations of the hair change. – It promotes the calcification of fractures, it is stimulating and coadjuvant of metabolism in the treatment of paresis and muscular atrophies. – Coadjuvant in the local treatment of skin diseases and chronic gastric and intestinal problems and chronic bronchial catarrh (obstructive pulmonary disease of horses). Following the recommended indications, its use is not harmful, the adverse effects are usually related to excessive and prolonged doses presenting erythema, ataxia, posterior paralysis and blindness. It is stimulating and coadjuvant of metabolism in the treatment of paresis and muscular atrophies. – Coadjuvant in the local treatment of skin diseases and chronic gastric and intestinal problems and chronic bronchial catarrh (obstructive pulmonary disease of horses). Following the recommended indications, its use is not harmful, the adverse effects are usually related to excessive and prolonged doses presenting erythema, ataxia, posterior paralysis and blindness. It is stimulating and coadjuvant of metabolism in the treatment of paresis and muscular atrophies. – Coadjuvant in the local treatment of skin diseases and chronic gastric and intestinal problems and chronic bronchial catarrh (obstructive pulmonary disease of horses). Following the recommended indications, its use is not harmful, the adverse effects are usually related to excessive and prolonged doses presenting erythema, ataxia, posterior paralysis and blindness
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